Our nation’s political leaders are looting the
federal treasury and they expect ordinary citizens not to notice. Last
week’s coverage of the release of the Social Security and Medicare
Trustee’s Report proves one thing about contemporary news: Those
who control the mic, control the sound byte…and our perception
of reality. Despite the Trustee’s report clearly showing the more immediate
financial problems facing the Medicare program – which they projected
will become insolvent in the year 2020 – most mainstream news sources
focused on the Trustee’s less dramatic Social Security estimates
which moved up the date at which the trust fund is expected to
be “exhausted” from 2042 to 2041.
How has it come to pass that we are actually
facing a short-term crisis in Medicare but the nation is fixated
on the more distant
Social Security shortfall? More importantly, how does this bait
and switch tactic obscure the likely impact of Medicare’s financing
problems on the millions of African American elderly, disabled,
and poor people who rely on the program as their only source of
health care?
We can’t blame “Medicare Myopia” on the Trustee’s report which
clearly relayed that the system would need an immediate 107 percent
increase in income (tax increase) or an immediate 48 percent decrease
in outlays (benefit cut) in order to bring its financing into balance. We
could, however, look to how the report was released for
clues as to why many media sources overlooked the most important
part of the story.
Ironically, out of six total Trustees only
the four members serving in the Bush Administration participated
in the report’s release. And
they – perhaps knowing that the media would focus on their spoken
words instead of reading the report – chose to focus their remarks
almost exclusively on Social Security.
 But the stark nature of Medicare’s financing
problem, its relationship to Medicaid, and the reliance of African
Americans and other vulnerable
populations on these vital programs, (see "Structured
Inefficiency: The Impact of Medicare Reform on African Americans,” Rockeymoore)
means that it is critical to move beyond mainstream sound bytes
and headlines to figure out what is really going on.
The Medicare Slight of Hand
When the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement,
and Modernization Act was signed into law by President Bush in
December of 2003,
many fiscal conservatives expressed outrage that the Administration
and their Congressional counterparts would ignore their party’s
philosophical tradition of fiscal conservatism that called for
relieving taxpayers of “unnecessary” burdens, particularly entitlement
programs like Medicare, by shrinking big government.
So when President Bush and Congressional Republicans pushed through
a historic expansion of Medicare to include an uncapped prescription
drug benefit, health savings accounts, and huge subsidies for Health
Maintenance Organizations (HMO) and Preferred Provider Organizations
(PPO), it came as a nasty surprise to fiscal conservatives who
were dismayed at the estimated $400 billion price tag reported
at the time.
Many political observers inside and outside
the beltway assumed the push for expanded prescription drug benefits
represented an
election year ploy to attract or neutralize senior citizens, a
reliable voting bloc, and to make good with pharmaceutical companies
and health maintenance organizations who would likely respond in
kind with generous campaign donations.
It seemed a distracting curiosity when it was
revealed that the Administration went to great lengths to hide
the true cost of the
bill prior to its passage – threatening to fire Medicare’s chief
actuary Richard S. Foster if he revealed his higher cost estimates
of $500 billion to $600 billion to Congress.
 The ante was raised in early February of 2005
when the White House finally acknowledged that the actual cost
of the Medicare drug
benefit would reach anywhere from $720 billion to $1.2 trillion
in its first decade of operation alone – more than double the cost
of the original estimates.
Now that we see the Administration’s approach to Social Security
privatization and examine it in light of its contorted approach
to the Medicare bill, it may be that the election-year motives
originally ascribed were too simplistic in hindsight. For a pattern
is emerging that may very well signal a more ominous plot to destroy
the social insurance nature of Medicare and Social Security.
Privatizing Social Insurance
A simple analogy may help us understand the
nature of the issues our country is facing. When the Jackson family’s spending habits
showed that soon they would be unable to pay their bills, family
members worked more hours (found additional income) and ate oatmeal
in place of steak (trimmed expenses) to prevent financial ruin. If
the Jackson’s had ignored their looming fiscal insolvency and instead
decided to purchase a Ferrari and an Olympic-sized swimming pool,
they were certain to default on their mortgage and lose their home.
Like the Jackson family, Medicare’s Hospital Insurance (HI) trust
fund was already facing a long-term inability to meet its financial
obligations due to rising health care costs and reduced tax revenue
caused by the recession when the 2003 Medicare legislation was
enacted. Instead of generating additional revenue or trimming
expenses to place Medicare on a solid financial footing, the Administration
and Congress bought a Ferrari, swimming pool and an island in the
South Pacific – in effect, adding prohibitively expensive programmatic
expenditures in the form of an uncapped drug benefit that enables
pharmaceutical companies to charge seniors and the government as
much as they like and massive subsidies to prop up HMO’s that have
already proven their inability to provide consistent, quality care
for seniors.
As a result, passage of the Medicare legislation sped up the
date at which the program would be unable to pay full promised
benefits by seven years – from 2026 to 2019. (The latest Trustees
report pushes this date back one year to 2020.)
So what is the real reason why conservatives
disregard their fiscally conservative political base to add expensive
program features that
are not sustainable? It is highly probable that they are setting
Medicare up for failure and building the case for privatizing all
social insurance programs within the next 10-15 years.
This theory would sound conspiratorial except
for the fact that we now see a similar pattern emerging in the
Social Security debate. Basic
facts are the same: the Trustees estimate that Social Security
will face a long term funding shortfall in the year 2041. Instead
of addressing the shortfall, the Administration proposes to create
expensive private retirement accounts that add huge financial burdens
to the system that cannot be sustainable in the long term.
Like Medicare, the Center for Budget and Policy
Priorities estimates that the addition of private retirement
accounts, expected to cost
4.9 trillion over two decades, would accelerate the date of Social
Security’s insolvency by about eleven years – from 2041 to 2030.
Once social insurance programs have imploded
under the weight of their fiscal pressures, the Administration
schemes leave an
escape hatch for privatization. In the case of Social
Security, they will simply transition individuals completely
into private retirement accounts – making them solely responsible
for shouldering the burden and risk of meeting their retirement
needs through private savings and stock market investments. Under
this scenario, Social Security’s survivor and disability benefits – if
maintained – become dramatically reduced and morph into means tested,
welfare-like programs that depend upon general revenue transfers
to stay afloat.
In the case of Medicare, the privatization
escape hatch are the Health Savings Accounts and the HMO’s/PPO’s that received such
favorable and prominent treatment in the 2003 legislation. Touted
as a new way to help Americans save for future health needs, the
Health Savings Accounts will likely be expanded in a future where
individuals are expected to carry a heavier financial responsibility
for their health care. Similarly, the 2003 Medicare law expanded
the role of private insurers by providing them with government
subsidies and other benefits to give the illusion that they are
more efficient when compared to the traditional Medicare program. Thus,
setting the stage for the elimination of Medicare.
In either scenario, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist
to project the type of arguments that will be made as the looming
date of insolvency approaches for both programs and the nation
buckles under the weight of the costs. In early March, Federal
Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan gave us a glimpse of them
when he reportedly warned House Budget Committee members that benefits
promised under Social Security and Medicare were unsustainable
and would cause severe economic consequences for the economy if
not retooled. What did Greenspan identify as his preferred alternative
to social insurance? Private individual accounts.
Impact on African Americans
There is no doubt that the destruction of Medicare
would have drastic consequences for African Americans of all
ages – but especially
black seniors and many with disabilities who also rely on Medicare
for health coverage.
Medicare has had a particularly positive impact
on the quality of life for African American seniors. Prior to the program’s implementation
in 1966, African Americans received substandard treatment in segregated
hospital facilities when they received treatment at all. By requiring
hospitals to prove they weren’t practicing racial discrimination
in order to receive federal funds, however, the Medicare program
served as the catalyst that enabled older African Americans to
receive equal access to affordable health care coverage. It is
important to note that since the passage of Medicare life expectancy
has increased by 20 percent.
 Today, reflecting historical education and
labor market inequities, African Americans are more likely to
be among Medicare’s lower-income
beneficiaries. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, while
40 percent of all Medicare beneficiaries have incomes below 200
percent of the federal poverty level, 65 percent of African American
seniors fall below this level. As a result of their lower economic
status, African Americans are also more likely to rely on Medicaid
to supplement their Medicare coverage. (See ,
Rockeymoore, February
10, 2005.) Black seniors are also twice as likely as whites
to lack employer-sponsored supplemental health insurance. Complicating
matters is that African American seniors are much more likely to
be in poorer health and to report having one or more chronic health
So, facing all of these complex challenges,
what will happen to African American seniors or those who are
disabled when Medicare
is replaced with a privatized system of health care coverage? It
is likely that we will return to a pre-1966 two-tiered system where
large swaths of the population will be unable to afford access
to health care. Unfortunately, Medicaid won’t be there to help
these people since the Administration is intent on also slashing
that program’s funding.
Thus, this scenario will likely result in even
shorter life expectancies for African Americans. But perhaps that won’t matter either, since
Social Security won’t be there to provide them with guaranteed
income support in old age if the Administration is successful in
its privatization efforts.
In sum, it is clear that the Administration
is following the tenets of its own version of the ownership society:
give away the federal
treasury to the “have and have mores” by bestowing tax cuts on
wealthy individuals, huge subsidies for wealthy HMO’s, no-bid contracts
for wealthy defense firms, and large transfers to wealthy Wall
Street money managers hungry for Social Security payroll taxes. Perhaps
it is the height of irony that an Administration that came into
office with historic surpluses is striving to leave office with
a legacy of having set the stage for bankrupting the nation’s two
premier social insurance programs – successfully mismanaging taxpayer’s
money and trust in the process.
Dr. Maya Rockeymoore previously served on the
Social Security Subcommittee of the U.S. House of Representatives
Committee on Ways and Means, she is the co-editor of Strengthening
Communities: Social Insurance in a Diverse America and
author of The
Political Action Handbook: A How To Guide for the Hip Hop
Generation. |