The U.S. Senate has passed
a dream bill for credit card and financial service companies
that, if passed
by the House, will land millions of American families in debt
slavery. Rather than being able to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy
and make a difficult new start, families and individuals will
be placed on long-term payment plans to credit card companies,
companies that will take their houses, their cars, their child-support
payments, and their paychecks.
If you think you're unlikely
to land yourself a share-cropping position in this new feudal
ask yourself if you can be sure that no one in your family will
get sick, be injured, die, lose a job, or get divorced. More
than one in every 100 adults in America files for bankruptcy
each year. If you're a child, the chances of your family filing
for bankruptcy are about twice that. (Kids cost money.) These
rates have doubled in the past decade. The basic reason that
bankruptcies have increased is that personal debt has increased. In
fact, in proportion to debt, bankruptcies are actually down.
About 50 percent of all
families who are forced to file for bankruptcy do so as the result
of medical
expenses. And three quarters of those have health insurance. Another
40 percent have suffered a death in the family, lost their job,
or gotten divorced, or suffered some combination of these factors
and medical costs. Almost everyone who files for bankruptcy
does so as a last resort. Sixty-one percent of those who do
so have gone without medical care that they needed but could
not afford. Fifty percent have failed to get prescriptions filled. A
third have had their utilities shut off. Twenty-one percent
have gone without food. Seven percent have moved their elderly
parents to cheaper care facilities.
The satirical magazine,
The Onion, posted fictional comments on the bankruptcy bill from
people in the
street, one of which said "Well, there goes my foolproof
get-bankrupt-quick scheme!" Only in the mind of a
comic or a Republican do people try to go bankrupt. But some
Democrats (see below) seem not to be grasping this concept either.
After filing for Chapter
7 bankruptcy, you're required to liquidate some assets and pay
off what you
can. But you are then able to write off the rest of your debt
and start over, albeit with a credit record that will make it
harder to borrow and sometimes harder to find work. Under the
current system, if a judge finds that you have significant assets
or income, you can be denied Chapter 7 and be required to enter
into Chapter 13 bankruptcy, in which you pay off your debt over
a number of years. This current "means test" is conducted
by a judge who is able to look at actual income and expenses,
as well as to distinguish between someone whose child has diabetes
and someone who's been going on reckless shopping sprees.

The bill that is coming
up for a vote in the House would create a new means test that
would forbid
making any such distinctions. It would even forbid comparing
what someone actually earns with what they actually have to pay
for rent and basic expenses. A court would be forced to use
standard government figures for expenses, regardless of what
you're actually having to pay. It would base your income on
your last six months of income, even if you just got laid off. If
your income is below the median, it would spare you the means
test but require that you purchase credit counseling, even if
you have no money to pay for it and it isn't offered anywhere
near your home. It would also require significant new legal
expenses and paperwork.
But wait, there’s more
The problems with this
bill could fill an encyclopedia. In fact, the thing is 500 pages of convoluted
changes to current law. But, before looking at a few of the
details, let's stop and think about the basic idea.
Credit card companies,
like most lenders, charge interest rates based on the risk they
see of each borrower
failing to pay back the loan. Some people pay 9 percent on their
credit card and others pay 29 percent. The higher rate is supposed
to cover the losses the lender will suffer when some of the riskier
borrowers default. This system has been bringing in massive
record profits for the credit card companies: $30 billion last
"Here's what's so strange," writes
Corinne Cooper, a retired law professor in Arizona, "The
credit card companies collect this risk premium, year in and
year out. But when the risk actually happens and the borrower
cannot pay, the lenders want the Federal government to intervene
to force the debtor to pay, by passing a law prohibiting them
from filing bankruptcy and discharging the debts. It's as if
a life insurance company took premium payments for years and
then asked the government to pass a law prohibiting death! Bankruptcy
is credit death, and if this bill passes, the courts will be
clogged with credit 'zombies' – consumers who can never pay back
their debt, and never get rid of it. Why, then, shouldn't the
debtor be able to recover all that extra interest paid to cover
So, here we have an extremely
profitable industry and a legal system that's basically working. And yet,
as with Social Security, a corporate lobby group and their servants
in Congress have tried to manufacture a "crisis." In
this case, the imaginary crisis is fraud in bankruptcies. As
with Social Security, there's a grain of truth that can be found
if you dig for it, but the largest problems are being entirely
ignored, as are real unrelated crises (such as health care, war,
trade, wages, pensions, voting rights, the deficit, etc.). Estimates
of cases of abuse of bankruptcy law range from 3 to 10 percent. The
non-partisan American Bankruptcy Institute estimates that at
most 3 percent of filers – and almost certainly less – are
able to discharge debts they could actually pay. But few analysts
see this bill (HR 685) as a useful way to go after those abuses. Several
have referred to it with such metaphors as "shooting a gnat
with an elephant gun."

In fact, an elephant gun
would have been useful if someone had known which way to aim
it. Corporations
have a very easy time filing bankruptcy. CEOs are able to squirrel
away fortunes while canceling employees' pensions. Millionaires
can file for bankruptcy and keep unlimited amounts of money out
of reach in "asset protection trusts" as well as in
super-expensive houses. The press secretary for the bill's primary
sponsor, Senator Charles Grassley, told the New York Times that "the
senator's staff was unaware of the trusts and the loophole for
the wealthy that they represented." Uh-huh.
These loopholes need not
be exploited offshore, as in the olden days. There are a number of states
that allow them, regardless of whether the robber baron lives
in the state. But the legal costs of setting up "asset
protection trusts" place them beyond the reach of most people. Oh,
and corporations are allowed to shop for friendly judges from
state to state, a right that Congress recently took away from
the victims of corporate practices who try to file class action
suits. The current bankruptcy bill leaves these millionaires'
loopholes in place, although it requires that pirates of industry
have purchased their mansions three and a third years prior to
bankruptcy if they intend to keep them through the homestead
To watch a spokesperson for this abomination
of a bill get taken down by a knowledgeable opponent on CNN,
click here.
In this interchange, George Mason University's
Todd Zywicki is no match for Elizabeth Warren, Leo Gottlieb Professor
of Law at
Harvard University. These two also testified to the Senate Judiciary
Committee, which found Zywicki more convincing. You'll notice,
though, that he argues that there is massive fraud without providing
any evidence, and at the end is reduced to claiming that it is
10 percent. He starts out trying to use as evidence of fraud simply
the fact that bankruptcies are up, combined with a bizarre claim
that we're living through an age of widespread prosperity. Excuse
me? He points to the stock market as a sign of prosperity, apparently
unaware of how many people own little or no stock. Then he points
to housing prices having shot through the roof. Zywicki also cites
low interest rates. I don't know about you, but my paycheck stretches
farther with low interest rates. Sometimes I just pay half the
tab at the grocery store. "It's OK," I tell them, "interest
rates are low!" Zywicki also mentions low unemployment, which
would be relevant if it were true.
The hypocrisy
The Republicans (and the
corporate Democrats) have outdone their usual level of hypocrisy
this time. This
bankruptcy bill would make it very difficult for a family like
Terri Schiavo's to ever get out of debt. It would deny bankruptcy
protection to the families of soldiers killed in Iraq or sent
to Iraq and away from their jobs and incomes. It would make
it very difficult for small business owners who take risks and
fail to start over. And it would impose on individuals a standard
of fiscal responsibility to which the White House and Congress,
not to mention the credit card companies, do not even pretend.

Columnist Robert Scheer
notes that Grassley, the bill's sponsor in the Senate, in another
bit of hypocrisy "actively
opposes abortion and same-sex marriage on biblical grounds yet
believes the Good Book's clear definition and condemnation of
usury is irrelevant. The Old Testament, revered by Jews, Muslims
and Christians alike, mandates debt forgiveness after seven years,
as was pointed out earlier this month by an organization of Christian
lawyers in a letter to Grassley. 'I can't listen to Christian
lawyers,' said the senator, 'because I would be imposing the
Bible on a diverse population.'"
This would be funny if
this bill were going to be easily defeated. It can be defeated in the House
if we put our minds to it, and – if need be – put our bodies
on the line for it in nonviolent civil disobedience. But this
fight won't be easy. Corporate America has been pushing this
bill for eight years. It passed both houses of Congress
once before and then was vetoed by President Clinton. Two years
ago, it passed the Senate, but the House voted it down because
the Senate had attached an amendment that would have prevented
violent anti-abortion demonstrators from avoiding paying damages
to clinics. This time around, the Senate and the Senate Judiciary
Committee voted down that amendment and numerous other amendments
aimed at making this bill less than utterly disgusting.
These included amendments to:
– close
off the trusts loophole for millionaires,
– limit
the homestead exemption,
– create
a minimum homestead exemption to save the homes of the elderly,
– protect
employees and retirees from corporate practices that deprive
them of their earnings and retirement savings when a business
files for bankruptcy,
– discourage
predatory lending practices,
– exempt
debtors from means testing if their financial problems were caused
by identity theft,
– limit
the amount of interest that can be charged on any extension of
credit to 30 percent,
– preserve
existing bankruptcy protections for individuals experiencing
economic distress as caregivers to ill or disabled family members,
– exempt
debtors whose financial problems were caused by serious medical
problems from means testing,
– provide
protection for medical debt homeowners,
– require
enhanced disclosure to consumers regarding the consequences of
making only minimum required payments in the repayment of credit
card debt, and for other purposes,
– protect
service members and veterans from means testing in bankruptcy,
to disallow certain claims by lenders charging usurious interest
rates to service members, and to allow service members to exempt
property based on the law of the State of their premilitary residence.
Each of these amendments was proposed
by a Democrat, and each was voted down by the Republican majority.
Similar amendments were voted down
in the House Judiciary Committee on March 16, including:
– An
amendment by John Conyers (D-MI) protecting military personnel
from predatory payday lenders,
– An
amendment by Mel Watt (D-NC) exempting tuition costs from the
expense calculation in the means test
– An
amendment by Adam Schiff (D-CA) protecting people whose bankruptcy
is due to identity theft
– An
amendment by Howard Berman (D-CA) protecting bankruptcy filers
who file due to medical crises
– An
amendment by Jerry Nadler (D-NY) which would make debts arising
from civil rights violations non-dischargable in bankruptcy.
The Democrats

The greatest hypocrisy
on this bill may come from the Democrats, who often speak as
if they are the
party of working people. Some Democratic senators spoke against
the bill and then voted for it. One of them, Senator Joe Lieberman,
spoke for it and against it, voted for cloture (cutting off debate
and moving the bill toward passage) and then voted against the
bill. Another, Senator Hillary Clinton, did not vote for or
against the bill. Nineteen Democratic Senators voted for the
bill, while 24 voted against it. These are the 19 who chose
to side with the credit card companies:
Sen. Joe Biden (D-Delaware)
Sen. Tom Carper (D-Delaware)
Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Nebraska)
Sen. Tim Johnson (D-South Dakota)
Sen. Max Baucus (D-Montana)
Sen. Evan Bayh (D-Indiana)
Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-New Mexico)
Sen. Robert Byrd (D-West Virginia)
Sen. Kent Conrad (D-North Dakota)
Sen. Dan Inouye (D-Hawaii)
Sen. Jim Jeffords (I-Vermont)
Sen. Herb Kohl (D-Wisconsin)
Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-Louisiana)
Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Arkansas)
Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Florida)
Sen. Mark Pryor (D-Arkansas)
Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nevada)
Sen. Ken Salazar (D-Colorado)
Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Michigan)
The Senate Democrats have
stood strong and begun to win over moderate Republicans on Social
Security. They
have blocked judicial appointments. They are not powerless. They
chose to let the bankruptcy bill pass.
House Democrats are showing
glaring signs of weakness, and many of them will back this bill
if they
don't feel pressure from their constituents to oppose it. The
House Judiciary Committee passed the bill, 22-13, with one Democrat,
Rep. Rick Boucher of Virginia, joining the majority Republicans
to support the legislation.
These 20 House Democrats
wrote a letter to Speaker Dennis Hastert supporting the bankruptcy
bill. The
ones with an asterisk have also signed on as co-sponsors of the
bill. The first three on the list are members of the Congressional
Black Caucus:
Rep. Harold E. Ford, Jr. (D-TN)
Rep. Artur Davis (D-AL)
Rep. Gregory W. Meeks (D-NY)
Rep. Ellen O. Tauscher (D-CA)
Rep. John Larson (D-CT)
Rep. Jim Davis (D-FL) *
Rep. Ed Case (D-HI) *
Rep. Melissa Bean (D-IL)
Rep. Dennis Moore (D-KS)
Rep. Mike McIntyre (D-NC)
Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-NV)
Rep. Steve J. Israel (D-NY)
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY)
Rep. Joseph Crowley (D-NY) *
Rep. David Wu (D-OR)
Rep. Darlene Hooley (D-OR) *
Rep. Stephanie Herseth (D-SD)
Rep. Jay Inslee (D-WA)
Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA) *
Rep. Ron Kind (D-WI)
The following Democratic Congress Members
did not sign the letter to Hastert but have signed on as co-sponsors
of the bill:
Rep. Robert E. Andrews (D-NJ)
Rep. Rick Boucher (D-VA)
As noted above, Boucher also voted for
the bill in the Judiciary Committee.
The first obvious explanation for the
Democrats' behavior is campaign contributions. And this explanation
has even penetrated the corporate media. The New York Times