
The Dean of the Congressional Black Caucus is confident
that at least a few U.S. Senators will join House members on January
6 to question the fairness of the November 2 election. John Conyers,
Jr., the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, told
he doesn’t believe the Senate will repeat its performance of four
years ago, when Black lawmakers sought in vain for one senatorial
objection to “official misconduct, deliberate fraud, and an attempt
to suppress voter turnout by unlawful means” in Florida, as Congressman
Hastings (D-FL) put it at the time.
“No, I think the Senate is going to go along with
an inquiry this time,” said Conyers. “I don't think they would
embarrass themselves to let this happen two times in a row… I
just don't think the Senate would get caught in that position.”
Conyers is careful not to name names, claiming he hasn’t spoken
directly to a single Senator, but adding, “there are Republicans
who support what I'm doing who haven't been willing to come forward.”
Conyers is the indispensable person among the righteous
Grinches who are casting a shadow over the Republicans’ holiday.
Through his hearings in the Capitol and Ohio – unsanctioned and
unattended by Republicans – and his engagement of the Government
Accountability Office to study election “irregularities,”
the 75-year-old Detroit lawmaker has thrown an institutional spotlight
on GOP crimes and misdemeanors. How “high” these crimes can be
connected is another story, but there is no doubt that massive
violations of a variety of laws occurred on the ground. Conyers
prefers to call them “things that went wrong” in swing states
like Ohio:
“It depends on what part of the state we're going to examine.
In Hocking County, a private company accessed an election machine
and altered and tampered with it in the absence of election
observers. It disturbed a deputy chair of the election in the
county so much that she has given a sworn affidavit
that has been turned over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation,
and we're in the process of running that down. But what about
in Cleveland, Ohio? There, thousands of people claimed that
their vote for Kerry was turned into a vote for Bush. Poll workers
made mistakes that might have cost thousands of votes in Cleveland.
And in Youngstown, machines turned an undetermined number of
Kerry votes into Bush votes as well. Provisional ballots were
thrown out. There were several conflicting rules. There was
mass confusion. In Warren County, they talked about [the possibility
that] terrorism might close down the election. I mean, please.”

Conspiracy? Conyers understandably avoids using a word that corporate
media so eagerly associate with nut cases. Instead, Conyers employs
a less loaded term:
“Well, you know, orchestrated attempts don't always
require a conspiracy. People get the drift from other elections
and the way [campaign leaders] talk about how they're going to
win the election. When you have the exit-polling information discrepancies
that occurred in 2004, where the odds of all the swing states
coming in so much stronger for Bush than the exit polls indicated
– they say that that is, statistically, almost an improbability.”
But conspiracies do exist; they occur every time
a group of persons plans to commit criminal acts. Conyers knows
this. He’s not only a lawyer, he’s a Watergate lawyer,
having sat on the same Judiciary Committee that saw Richard Nixon’s
presidency unravel in 1973-74. District attorneys in big cities
across the nation love conspiracy law, designed to connect
the seemingly random depredations of criminal gangs. Conspirators
can be convicted even if they don’t know all the other players
or the whole scope of the criminal enterprise. They need only
be shown to have acted in the furtherance of the larger scheme.

Sounds very much like Rep. Conyers’ “orchestrated
attempts,” doesn’t it?
To catch a vote thief
A prosecutor like Rudy Giuliani would have a field
day with the GOP’s myriad 2004 criminal offenses. Just a few examples:
- Nathan Sproul, the former head of the Arizona
Republican Party (and of the state’s Christian Coalition), managed
a multi-state, Republican National Committee-financed campaign
to sign up new GOP voters. In the process, his poorly paid employees,
pretending to be
voter registration workers, reportedly
destroyed hundreds if not thousands of signed, but unwanted,
Democratic registration forms – serious criminal offenses committed
in concert in the furtherance of the GOP’s electoral fortunes.
A non-Republican “Giuliani” would want to know about every conversation
Sproul had had with Republican Party officials over the course
of at least a year. Investigators would interview each of Sproul’s
interlocutors, and warn them – and Sproul – of the additional
penalties attached to conspiracy. The investigator’s goal is
to “turn” conspirators into witnesses in the search up the chain,
or to catch bad actors in a lie – an additional charge to hold
over their heads. This is how the larger scheme – the criminal
enterprise – is routinely fleshed out.
- According to the Free
Press, a team of 25 men calling themselves the “Texas Strike
Force” positioned themselves at a hotel across the street from
Republican Party headquarters in Franklin County, Ohio (Columbus),
and proceeded to make intimidating phone calls to likely Democratic
voters, “targeting people recently in the prison system.” These
imported Texans’ rooms were reportedly paid for by the Ohio
Republican Party. A “hotel worker heard one caller threaten
a likely voter with being reported to the FBI and returning
to jail if he voted” – a crime if committed by an individual,
but a much more serious conspiracy if engaged in by the entire
interstate flying squad and the Republicans who paid, accommodated
and sent them on their felonious mission. There is a raft of
conspiracy angles to be worked in this case – angles that could
lead…anywhere in the GOP matrix in Ohio, Texas and beyond.
- Another issue
of the Free Press – an excellent chronicler of the GOP election
crime wave – reported that in “a largely minority area in Hillsborough
County [Florida] half as many voting machines were in use as
had been used for the earlier primary…. [A]s it turned out,
the same happened all throughout Florida and Ohio. But in predominantly
Republican neighborhoods, plenty of voting machines were on
hand, lines were normal, and everyone who wanted to vote, did.”
Such practices form a pattern, conceived
by real persons, who handed down orders to other persons, with
the result that Black precincts were so starved of voting machines
that it was mathematically, predictably and deliberately impossible
to service the area’s voters.
Those who act in concert with others to violate
the Voting Rights Act or related laws (such as the National
Voter Registration Act, in the box below) should be confronted
with the prospect of conspiracy charges in addition to criminal
penalties (prison time) for individual offenses. That’s the way
gangsters are brought down, every day.
Voter Registration Act
973gg-10. Criminal Penalties
A person, including an election official,
who in any election for Federal office,
knowingly and willfully intimidates, threatens,
or coerces, or attempts to intimidate, threaten, or coerce,
any person for--
registering to vote, or voting, or attempting
to register or vote;
urging or aiding any person to register to
vote, to vote, or to attempt to register or vote; or
exercising any right under this subchapter;
knowingly and willfully deprives, defrauds,
or attempts to deprive or defraud the residents of a State
of a fair and impartially conducted election process, by--
the procurement or submission of voter registration
applications that are known by the person to be materially
false, fictitious, or fraudulent under the laws of the State
in which the election is held; or
the procurement, casting, or tabulation of
ballots that are known by the person to be materially false,
fictitious, or fraudulent under the laws of the State in
which the election is held, shall be fined in accordance
with Title 18…or imprisoned not more than 5 years,
or both. |
Thousands of perps
“dozens of problems” of which Rep. Conyers speaks are actually
hundreds of specific criminal offenses involving perhaps thousands
of persons acting with large or small groups of others in Ohio
and Florida, alone. Investigators should view the legions of co-conspirators
in Republican election
crimes – some casual or even unwilling, others purely mercenary
and politically unreliable – as assets, potential witnesses in
a constellation of criminal conspiracies, any one of which might
lead to the Mother Lode: the Bush inner circle.
have purposely not dwelt in this article on the mega-crimes whose
outlines became apparent in statistical analyses of the exit polls
vs. tabulated votes in “battleground” and other states, or damning
variances in results depending on modes of vote counting – the
hawk’s eye view of the crime. (On Wednesday, Rep. Conyers called
on news organizations to provide his committee with raw exit
poll data, rather than the numbers that were “adjusted” to
conform to the official vote tallies.) What has too often been
lost in the
conversations surrounding the 2000 and 2004 elections, is the
fact that laws already in existence have been violated.

In every other arena of criminal justice it is standard
procedure to entangle suspected perpetrators in their own lies,
and in the lies of their co-conspirators. Yet somehow, this practice
does not obtain when Black voting rights are criminally violated.
It is as if no crime has been committed, at all, just mere voting
“irregularities.” “Get over it,” say the corporate media. Concentrate
your energies on “reforms” from the next Congress, or the one
after that, say others, including some people who claim to be
“progressive.” Such responses are maddening, outrageously racist
at their very core, the product of a profoundly Jim Crow worldview
that denies African Americans their full measure of dignity as
human beings, that treats our victimization as a matter of course
whose resolution – but never redress – can always be put
off to another, more convenient day. To paraphrase the infamous
U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Taney’s 1857 Dred Scott decision:
“African American voters have no rights that the larger society
is bound to protect.”
It is these rights that are at issue, Black
human and citizenship rights. The outcome of the presidential
election is secondary.
Hostility to Black citizenship

It has been suggested that violations of Black voting
rights are treated lightly by media, prosecutors and predominant
white public opinion because of the “white collar” nature of the
crimes. Not so. As with all aspects of criminal justice in the
United States, race is the primary prosecutorial and political
determinant. With a zealotry that spans seven generations, from
Reconstruction to the present, yesteryear’s Dixiecrats and today’s
Republicans have succeeded in firmly linking the words “Black”
and “vote fraud” in the public mind. This historical/mythological
association is the rationale for the now-routine invasion of Black
polling places by hordes of GOP “observers” – whose real mission
is voter intimidation.
Registering-voters-while-Black has long been a crime
in Dixie. Alabama and federal lawmen spent four years, beginning
in 1995, prosecuting Black Belt electoral activists for alleged
absentee ballot fraud. The November 15, 1999 issue of The
Nation recounts:
”In all, nearly 1,000 people in three counties were
questioned and asked to submit handwriting samples to state and
federal officials. The investigation was a joint state and federal
undertaking spearheaded by Alabama Attorney General Jefferson
Beauregard Sessions III, a politician with a history of making
racist comments about blacks and launching voter-fraud investigations
in predominantly black counties. He would go on to win a seat
in the US Senate in 1996.”
Confronting the full weight of the state and federal
governments, nine African Americans ultimately pleaded guilty
to fraud charges in 1999. According to The Nation article, the
feds were much more lenient with North Carolina Republican Senator
Jesse Helms who, while “trailing a black opponent in 1990, mailed
out postcards to 125,000 black voters implicitly threatening them
with jail if they went to the polls. Helms's campaign settled
a complaint with the Justice Department in 1992, but not before
he had won another term.”
Ain’t a damn thing changed in the 21st Century.
As columnist Bob
Herbert reported in the New York Times this past August, Florida
Governor Jeb Bush’s State Police targeted Black, mostly elderly
members of the Orlando League of Voters on “suspicion” of absentee
ballot vote fraud. Joseph Egan, an Orlando lawyer who represented
some of activists on the state’s hit list, told Herbert: "People
who have voted by absentee ballot for years are refusing to allow
campaign workers to come to their homes. And volunteers who have
participated for years in assisting people, particularly the elderly
or handicapped, are scared and don't want to risk a criminal investigation."
No, vote fraud is only treated as a white collar infraction
– an “irregularity” – when the alleged perpetrators are white.
The truth is, somewhere around a majority of whites
don’t really think African Americans should have an unqualified
right to vote – although very few will say so, and most may be
unaware of their constricted views of Black rights. This is the
conclusion that can be derived from a study by Harvard political
scientists Michael Dawson and Lawrence Bobo, which found that
62 percent of whites surveyed
just before the 2004 election believed Blacks had little reason
to worry that they would be prevented from voting. Such fears
were either “not a big problem” (20%), “no problem at all” (17%),
or a “complete fabrication” of the Democrats (25%). In nearly
identical proportions, whites surveyed shortly after the 2000
election tended to dismiss
Black complaints of voter suppression and fraud in Florida. These
numbers reveal far more than ignorance or denial, but rather,
an underlying hostility to full Black citizenship rights.
(Close to half of Americans don’t think Muslims should
have full citizenship rights, either. A Cornell
University poll found that 44 percent of respondents favor
some degree of curtailment of Muslim Americans' rights, including
27 percent who say Muslims should be required to register their
locations with the federal government. These are undoubtedly the
same people who believe Democrats fabricated all those stories
about abuse of Black voters in Florida.)

Thus, the corporate media may be more reflective
of than responsible for the widespread demand that
African Americans “get over” the events of the last two presidential
elections. Recounts and investigations of systematic Black voter
suppression are made to seem ridiculous if the results do not
alter the outcome. By such reasoning, it would not matter if all
the Black voters of Alabama and Mississippi were turned away from
the polls, since whites were going to give George Bush the electoral
votes of those states, anyway. Crimes against Black citizenship
do not matter unless it can be proven that the election was tipped
in the process (or maybe not even then). Television news personalities
smirk while presenting election protest items, conveying the message:
“You lost. Why don’t you people quit?” As if the harm done to
untold numbers of Black citizens is of no consequence. It’s like
telling a rape victim to “get over it” and be grateful she wasn’t
This pervasive mindset also infects elements of
the white “left.” Greg Moses, editor of the Texas Civil Rights
Review, calls it “type
two racism” – the dogged insistence on disconnecting race
and racism from election crimes:
”Overt racism by right-wing Republicans is the core
dynamic at work here, but it is aided and abetted by invisibility
racism found in left commentators and media reports, who fail
to center the civil rights struggle. An issue that is clearly
about racism and civil rights has been whitewashed into ‘voter
fraud’ generica. Type one racism answered with type two.”
Serious business
Given the hostile backdrop, post-November 2 protesters,
investigators, litigators, agitators and fundraisers are nothing
less than heroic. Although he would disagree with the notion,
Rep. Conyers is acting as “our” Special Prosecutor, methodically
laying the factual groundwork for future legal and political action
while at the same time giving the “troops” a central focus around
which to orbit.

Already a congressman
for nearly a decade when the Watergate
hearings began in May 1973, Conyers is a long-haul legislator
and lawyer who understands the critical importance of documentation.
“I ask and invite everybody to turn
in any evidence that they want that helps prove whatever position
they believe, or even a position they don't believe,” he told
Salon.com. “But this isn't a hunch and suspicion game. This is
very serious business.”
The arrogant and shameless
Ohio Secretary of State, Kenneth Blackwell, who refused an invitation
to appear before Conyers’ hearings, has earned his place at the
nexus of the investigation. “I know
that Kenneth Blackwell made some decisions that were blatant and
outrageous for a secretary of state,” said Conyers. “How he felt
that his head was big enough to be chairman of the ‘Re-elect Bush’
committee and also head of the administration of the electoral
vote for the president in that same state was beyond me. … There
are very few people who did what he did.”
Conyers’ December
2 letter to Blackwell reads much like a prosecutor’s document.
For example:
(27) “How did you inform your workers, and the public,
that their vote would not be counted if cast in the wrong precinct?”
(28) “Your directive was exploited by those who intentionally
misled voters about their correct polling place, and multiplied
the number of provisional ballots found invalid. What steps have
you or other officials in Ohio taken to investigate these criminal
We think Conyers smells conspiracies, or at least
some very nasty “orchestrated attempts” to break the law.
Without Conyers’ clear determination to press forward
with hearings, it is doubtful that the “movement” (if it can called
that) to lay bare the facts of November 2 could have been sustained,
to this point. There might have been no national “scene
of the crime” rally in Columbus, Ohio, scheduled for January
3; no growing list of Electoral College Electors
demanding, for the first time in history, a “complete investigation”;
and little prospect of even one senator standing with the Congressional
Black Caucus on January 6, when the body meets to certify the
Electoral College vote. And no possibility, however remote, of
anyone going to jail for the crimes of November 2.
Absent relentless agitation, litigation and investigation
of the past election, Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr.’s constitutional
amendment guaranteeing the right to vote will come to naught,
as will every other effort at meaningful election reform.
Rich man’s dream
Hawking his Social Security personal savings accounts,
George Bush this week attempted to explain his vision of an “ownership
society,” stammering: “One of the philosophies of this government
is if you own something, it is – it makes the country a better
– if more people own something, the country is better off; you
have a stake in the future of the country if you own something.”
Political translation: The best society is one in
which those who own, rule. This was in fact a core belief of the
Founding Fathers, who created a system in which a very tiny cohort
of white men with property held all political power. In a brief
but brilliant 1994 essay,
“Democracy Was Not What They Had On Their Minds,” Marquita Hill
points out that only 30,000 voters – less than 1% of the population
– participated in the presidential election of 1796 in which John
Adams defeated Thomas Jefferson. Only about 112,000 citizens took
part in the 1804 election, out of a total population of more than
six million! “Total votes didn't top a million until Native American
killer Andrew Jackson's defeat of John Quincy Adams in 1828,”
Ms Hill wrote. By then, the U.S. population was approaching 12
million. Hill concludes: “Handfuls of white, male propertied voters
established the precedent that only their kind would sit in the
White House.”
This was the intention of the Founders who launched
the nation on its rule-by-the-white-rich trajectory. Our struggle
is to force that trajectory to “bend toward justice.”